Atlanta Vampire Alliance [AVA]

Vampires & Vampirism => General Vampirism Discussion => Topic started by: AyraGrace on October 22, 2008, 09:43:57 AM

Title: Vampire Declarations: Samples & Comments
Post by: AyraGrace on October 22, 2008, 09:43:57 AM
Vampires do exist.We live.We breathe.What are we but creatures of the night.Predators on the human race.We are nothing like our Hollywood or literary brethren.We have been around since the begin of mankind.I can not tell you how many of us there are only that we exist.It is not a life I would choose but what vampire has a choice.We are simple creatures living only to feed and to co-exist with mankind but have no fear we will not harm you.It is not exceptable to harm a human in today's vampire world.We follow rules societies rules. our lives are rules by instinct.We are a misunderstood creature.We are what we are and we do exist.

Title: Re: A Vampire Declaration
Post by: michael garrett on October 22, 2008, 08:07:50 PM
Nicely Put...

Michael Garrett
“Lydia’s Birth” and The Lydia Chronicles

Title: Re: A Vampire Declaration
Post by: DarkeGarde on November 09, 2008, 04:23:47 AM
Vampires do exist.We live.We breathe.What are we but creatures of the night.Predators on the human race.We are nothing like our Hollywood or literary brethren.We have been around since the begin of mankind.I can not tell you how many of us there are only that we exist.It is not a life I would choose but what vampire has a choice.We are simple creatures living only to feed and to co-exist with mankind but have no fear we will not harm you.It is not exceptable to harm a human in today's vampire world.We follow rules societies rules. our lives are rules by instinct.We are a misunderstood creature.We are what we are and we do exist.

*Bows with deepest respect*
My deare Lady Ayra, if I may...
I wrote the following declaration, originally in 2005 and then e-published/ posted it in 2006 in my group "Knights of Independent Darkness".

Vampyre Declaration of Independence
Déclaration de vampire de l'indépendance
Dichiarazione del vampire di indipendenza
Declaración del vampiro de la independencia

I _________________________________(a.k.a                                                           ) hereby subscribe to this declaration of rights and strictures; I claim the right to be known as a Human Living Vampyre.(Hereafter referred to as HLV)
I make this declaration of my own free will and; in due consideration of article 2 of this document, consider myself bound by no laws, canons, regulations or commands of any other individual or organisation.
I AM an “Independent Vampyre” (hereafter referred to as IV) and claim the right to self-determination within the terms of this declaration.

Dated this_____________________ day of ________________ in the year _____________

Of Secrecy and Revelation –
As an IV I reserve the right to speak, as I will, about the life and knowledge of Human Living
Vampyres. I am not bound by any governance of secrecy regarding the matter and I reserve the right to speak, and write, my opinions as I see fit. When I do so I speak ONLY for myself. I will not reveal any private or personal information about any other HLV without their express, written permission. I shall practice common courtesy and respect within the terms of this declaration.

Honouring the Laws of Human Society –
As an IV I make the choice to follow and honour the laws of the non-vampyre world. I will NOT,
as an IV, cause either deliberate harm nor injury to any in the course of my HLV life. I will be socially responsible in that, should I find myself in disagreement with the laws of the country in which I reside, I will seek to have the laws amended by peaceful negotiation, means and methods.
I hereby give an undertaking to not cause injury or harm to another for the purposes of “feeding”, except where, that other person is an adult; of legal age, and a consenting partner being fully aware of my nature. (i.e. A donor or Swan)

Honouring the Vampyre Way –
I reserve the right to hunt, as a Vampyre should. I WILL conduct myself, in this area, with careful consideration of the rights of others as deigned by the laws of human society. At all times I will show the proper respect for the object of my hunt. I will operate; AT ALL TIMES, with due care and attention and in consideration of articles 2,4 and 5 of this document. I will uphold the rights and freedoms of all “kin” to live as they will within the bounds of decency and honesty.

Responsibility for Minors, Education and Enlightenment –
I will honour the right of mundane and vampyre born minors to remain innocent of matters pertaining to the life of a HLV. I recognise, and will respect, their right, to establish a skeptical; materialistic, objective and rational foundation in the mundane world before they are exposed to any information about HLV’s, in so far as such exposure is not necessary for their safety from indiscriminate predators.
I will, in so far as it is within my power and opportunity, PROTECT all minors from malevolent influence at all times.
In so far as it is within my power, and opportunity, I will seek to educate and enlighten those of non-vampyre nature to the ways and purposes of HLV’s; and Vampyre society in general. I will do this so as to dispel any fear or misconceptions that they may hold, or any misrepresentations they have heard or read.

Deportment –
I subscribe to the moral codes of civilised existence; I subscribe to common precepts of polite discourse and deportment. These are concepts, which I will strive to observe and maintain. If I have a problem with another HLV, house or “family” it will be resolved privately and civilly. I will make every effort in this area in order to act as a civilised, and empowered, HLV.

Allegiance and Loyalty -
With due consideration of article 2 of this document, I am NOT bound by the ordinances, rules, covenants or strictures of any other person or organisation. My personal loyalties are mine to bestow, by my choice alone, upon others AS I SEE FIT. I submit to NO DOMINION by another HLV and will zealously defend the rights of all other HLV’s to the same freedom.

© Knights of Independent Darkness 2006

Recall, if you will…
"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and success of liberty."
~ John Fitzgerald Kennedy ~

Title: Re: A Vampire Declaration
Post by: Oculus on November 20, 2008, 10:17:57 AM
I was wondering why a vampire (or vampyre-however you want to spell it) feels they need to declare their own free will? Humans are bound to their free will by their conscience, their feelings, and their faith; Why should vampires be any different?

Title: Re: A Vampire Declaration
Post by: AyraGrace on November 20, 2008, 05:34:13 PM
I agree in some degree with Oculus and I stand corrected it was not so much a declaration as a accepting statement for myself and maybe others. Putting things in to words helps to define. Putting feelings in to words helps to deal with emotions such as acceptance and understanding.
Thanks PureBlack for your Vampyre Declaration of Independence It was quite informative.
Thanks to Michael Garrett I thought it was nicely put.

Title: Re: A Vampire Declaration
Post by: starbuck on November 20, 2008, 06:20:23 PM
AyraGrace I thought what you said was beautiful it showed how you and many of us feel. Thank you for putting in word the thing some of us don't know how to say

Title: Re: A Vampire Declaration
Post by: Oculus on November 21, 2008, 01:36:20 PM
I understand. I apologize for being intrusive, just was curious.

Title: Re: A Vampire Declaration
Post by: DarkeGarde on December 29, 2008, 05:05:22 AM
*Bows with deepest respect*
If M'Ladies and M'lords will permit me,
I wrote the Vampyre Declaration o' Independence as a statement o' intent. Its message was intended to be more a model for the vampyre using it. In this respect I tried to outline the basic concepts that I believe a modern vampyre needs pay attention to in order that they are able to coexist alongside what is considered "normal" human society.

It was also intended as a tool, a tool for defining oneself and one's vampyrism as distinct from any group, cult or organisation. Independence is a moste cherished concept in the free world at least and to have that concept reinforced in one's chosen life path makes for much happier, well balanced and productive individuals. In this we art not so very different from non-vampyres. We all neede, at one time or another, validation for the way we feel and interact with those around us.

With compliments,

Title: Re: A Vampire Declaration
Post by: Etheros Twilight on January 04, 2009, 08:18:51 AM
*gives applause to PureBlack*

A beautifuly written statement of intent it is, and i would think a curious document to restrain those of us who would otherwise stain our good name. It reads like a contract, do you have any background to this?

The only argument i would raise (personally, of course) would be that to alliances. To state straitforth your intent to support yourself first, is to give intent that betrayal is not beyond means, and we all should know by now history's lessons to what happens with a union who is comprised of individuals who serve themselves first.

Myself, I place higher standard on myself, my alliances and contracts, and my fellow kin (blood and vampire) before outsiders. This is such because, my intrests are linked with my alliances, as such a reason to enter an alliance, the needs of my contracts are bound to mine, as such they have submitted to me, and my kin are in relation to myself such that our mutual  needs and status creates an ad hoc alliance simply on grounds of who/what we are.

...but perhaps I date myself when I say such.

Title: Re: A Vampire Declaration
Post by: Calrathoul on March 16, 2009, 09:02:29 PM
Individual, we are who are. No more or less. A deceleration of existence, as i tend to call it, is more akin to "tagging" a wall or something like that. It's not a bad thing, sometimes we all have to do it. It also takes the form of a LiveJournal or Myspace page, and for the most part is completely healthy.

We all exist, we are here and there is no denying that. No deceleration needed, that being said, if you want to make one make sure that it represents who you are, be open and honest, and never share it with those who could use it against you.


Title: Re: A Vampire Declaration
Post by: Eclecta on June 08, 2009, 05:40:06 PM
Vampires do exist.We live.We breathe.What are we but creatures of the night.Predators on the human race.We are nothing like our Hollywood or literary brethren.We have been around since the begin of mankind.I can not tell you how many of us there are only that we exist.It is not a life I would choose but what vampire has a choice.We are simple creatures living only to feed and to co-exist with mankind but have no fear we will not harm you.It is not exceptable to harm a human in today's vampire world.We follow rules societies rules. our lives are rules by instinct.We are a misunderstood creature.We are what we are and we do exist.

I understand the allure of the dark and the mysterious and the yearning to be all poetically spoken, but, are you kidding me?  Come on now.  "Predators on the human race"?  Aren't you human too?  Geesh.  And "Have no fear we will not harm you?" Give me a break.  So sorry if this sounds harsh, but get real.  If you really believe you are a predator, I can direct you where to go to find other predators, who believe this same line.

I realize we don't know each other, and probably this is a bad first impression for us both.  I'm usually not this abrasive, but this just really totally hit me the wrong way.  I'm also not trying to challenge you in a way that makes you want to leave the forum, but rather in a way that will help you grow as a person, and as a vampire. 

We can't just go around saying we're predators.  We simply aren't.  If you really believe you have to prey upon humans to draw energy, then I don't know what to tell you.  Even TOV, who claim to be predators, do so not because they HAVE or WANT to but because they can, and then they just give it away to their gods.  I can understand what they do and why.

I don't understand why a vampire would be on a forum such as this saying we're predators, or saying this and that about humans as if they weren't one themself. 

Feel free to debate me.  I don't mind.  I won't take it personal, nor should you take what I've said personal. 

Title: Re: A Vampire Declaration
Post by: MorticiaLestat on July 26, 2009, 10:53:19 PM
To Electra: What`s TOV ? What do "TOV" people do and why?

Title: Re: A Vampire Declaration
Post by: belovedofdeath on September 29, 2009, 01:47:20 PM
Vampires do exist.We live.We breathe.What are we but creatures of the night.Predators on the human race.We are nothing like our Hollywood or literary brethren.We have been around since the begin of mankind.I can not tell you how many of us there are only that we exist.It is not a life I would choose but what vampire has a choice.We are simple creatures living only to feed and to co-exist with mankind but have no fear we will not harm you.It is not exceptable to harm a human in today's vampire world.We follow rules societies rules. our lives are rules by instinct.We are a misunderstood creature.We are what we are and we do exist.

I understand the allure of the dark and the mysterious and the yearning to be all poetically spoken, but, are you kidding me?  Come on now.  "Predators on the human race"?  Aren't you human too?  Geesh.  And "Have no fear we will not harm you?" Give me a break.  So sorry if this sounds harsh, but get real.  If you really believe you are a predator, I can direct you where to go to find other predators, who believe this same line.

I realize we don't know each other, and probably this is a bad first impression for us both.  I'm usually not this abrasive, but this just really totally hit me the wrong way.  I'm also not trying to challenge you in a way that makes you want to leave the forum, but rather in a way that will help you grow as a person, and as a vampire. 

We can't just go around saying we're predators.  We simply aren't.  If you really believe you have to prey upon humans to draw energy, then I don't know what to tell you.  Even TOV, who claim to be predators, do so not because they HAVE or WANT to but because they can, and then they just give it away to their gods.  I can understand what they do and why.

I don't understand why a vampire would be on a forum such as this saying we're predators, or saying this and that about humans as if they weren't one themself. 

Feel free to debate me.  I don't mind.  I won't take it personal, nor should you take what I've said personal. 

your words reflect my thoughts, exactly.

Title: Re: A Vampire Declaration
Post by: Sfinelli3 on October 01, 2009, 09:30:45 AM
The TOV.  One of my goals in life is to join them.

Title: Re: A Vampire Declaration
Post by: belovedofdeath on October 01, 2009, 11:22:55 AM
I'm also wondering what TOV is.  :-X

Title: Re: A Vampire Declaration
Post by: Merticus on October 01, 2009, 11:26:43 AM
TOV = Temple of the Vampire

This forum does not endorse the TOV, their beliefs, or practices.  It is left up to the individual to pursue whatever path they deem appropriate.  The same standard is applied to any "vampire religion or spirituality" group.

The following thread is for such discussion:

Title: Re: A Vampire Declaration
Post by: Maloryn on October 01, 2009, 08:22:11 PM
I'd echo what Mert said.

Speaking of "does not endorse any vampire religion or spirituality", I must admit sometimes we do mock them, though... as individuals, though, not as a House.

I'll leave it up to the discerning reader to determine what that may have to do with this thread :)


Title: Re: A Vampire Declaration
Post by: Kazarine on October 01, 2009, 09:56:31 PM
Vampires do exist.We live.We breathe.What are we but creatures of the night.Predators on the human race.We are nothing like our Hollywood or literary brethren.We have been around since the begin of mankind.I can not tell you how many of us there are only that we exist.It is not a life I would choose but what vampire has a choice.We are simple creatures living only to feed and to co-exist with mankind but have no fear we will not harm you.It is not exceptable to harm a human in today's vampire world.We follow rules societies rules. our lives are rules by instinct.We are a misunderstood creature.We are what we are and we do exist.

I understand the allure of the dark and the mysterious and the yearning to be all poetically spoken, but, are you kidding me?  Come on now.  "Predators on the human race"?  Aren't you human too?  Geesh.  And "Have no fear we will not harm you?" Give me a break.  So sorry if this sounds harsh, but get real.  If you really believe you are a predator, I can direct you where to go to find other predators, who believe this same line.

I realize we don't know each other, and probably this is a bad first impression for us both.  I'm usually not this abrasive, but this just really totally hit me the wrong way.  I'm also not trying to challenge you in a way that makes you want to leave the forum, but rather in a way that will help you grow as a person, and as a vampire. 

We can't just go around saying we're predators.  We simply aren't.  If you really believe you have to prey upon humans to draw energy, then I don't know what to tell you.  Even TOV, who claim to be predators, do so not because they HAVE or WANT to but because they can, and then they just give it away to their gods.  I can understand what they do and why.

I don't understand why a vampire would be on a forum such as this saying we're predators, or saying this and that about humans as if they weren't one themself. 

Feel free to debate me.  I don't mind.  I won't take it personal, nor should you take what I've said personal. 

I wholeheartedly agree with Eclecta. Whenever someone says they're a predator it makes me think they are or want to be a cereal killer or something. This is just not acceptable in my book. Especially when this statement clashes with the one right after it that says they're not like the Hollywood vampire. I find it ridiculous. If you want to be spiritual or poetic, please do so. But be certain to clearly separate fact from fiction.

Title: Re: A Vampire Declaration
Post by: asteria on October 02, 2009, 12:46:16 PM
I love the declaration.

Title: Re: A Vampire Declaration
Post by: Removed on November 17, 2009, 04:41:37 PM
is the basic requirement for membership:

THE VAMPIRE BIBLE - $20.00 in softcover:

THE VAMPIRE BIBLE - $35.00 in hardcover with embossed red foil logo on cover:


    * The Vampire Bible
    * The Ritual Pendant

$55.00 (includes The Vampire Bible in softcover):

$70.00 (includes The Vampire Bible in hardcover with embossed red foil logo on cover):


    * The Vampire Bible
    * The Ritual Pendant
    * Revelations

$75.00 (includes The Vampire Bible in softcover):

$90.00 (includes The Vampire Bible in hardcover with embossed red foil logo on cover):


    * The Vampire Bible
    * Bloodlines Volume One
    * Bloodlines Volume Two
    * The Ritual Pendant
    * Revelations

$115.00 (includes The Vampire Bible in softcover):

$130.00 (includes The Vampire Bible in hardcover with embossed red foil logo on cover):

If Vampires were real,
would you want to be one?

Test Everything - Believe Nothing.
That "motto" right there is stolen from Chaos.
Seems like we got a potential lawsuit on our hands, considering this garbage is published.

Once you have accepted lifetime registered membership,
you can then consider active membership.
When you order an authorized copy of The Vampire Bible, you will have the option to accept a lifetime registered membership in the Temple.
Subscription to active membership opens the door to
live interaction with others in the Temple
Save yourself $20 dollars, ask me a question instead.

The Temple has only one goal:
To find and awaken Vampires to their nature and their heritage.
We exist to find people like you. 

The Vampire Bible is your passport to the Nightside world of the Vampire.
The Vampire Bible allows you to seek membership in the Temple.

By obtaining an authorized copy of The Vampire Bible from us
you open the door to contact and communication with us.

You also learn those parts of our most hidden secrets
that can be expressed in words.

In less than fifty pages of condensed and clear language
you will learn the essentials of our way of life.

I'm done quoting. But I'm calling out the "temple of the vampire". This is just a runoff of the Temple of Set, and nothing can ever compare to the Temple of Set.

One Life, One Chance.

Mortal life is swift and short.

Compared to ...?
Sounds a lot like a watered down Temple of Set to me.

I kindly request that there be no more talk about the Temple of the Vampire. I ask nothing, it's simply a request. I do not approve of that. You are welcome to continue to speak, I will not slight anyone for it. But I request humbly all the same.

This is not the Setian Bible. They pride themselves on their predatory nature, well so do I. I will have words with any member that publicly announces their membership to this group.
So it is, so it shall be.

Title: Re: A Vampire Declaration
Post by: belovedofdeath on November 17, 2009, 04:52:09 PM
o_0 "basic ritual package"?

if that doesn't ring a loud rubbish bell, i dont know what does then. :X

Title: Re: A Vampire Declaration
Post by: Removed on November 17, 2009, 04:57:32 PM
I find it quite dangerous considering the topics the Temple of Set finds of interest.
It seems that this temple of the vampire goes around acting as if they can turn people, find who they want and awaken some vampiric dormancy.
Absurd. >:(

And to steal the foundation of chaos and take it as their own... how utterly disrespectful!

I have half a mind to contact them directly! But it's not worth it. :-\
Let's just keep the discussion of it here to a respectful minimum. Chances are good they've already pissed off most of the Zee Clusters who give a shit.

Title: Re: A Vampire Declaration
Post by: GraVes on November 17, 2009, 05:00:06 PM
I feel like I just heard a pitch by the late and great Billy Mays

Title: Re: A Vampire Declaration
Post by: Removed on November 17, 2009, 05:01:34 PM
I feel like I just heard a pitch by the late and great Billy Mays

People have a right to make money, but not like this.  :-X
And not with stolen literature from other groups and philosophies.

Note; the only reason the Temple of Set made their bible available for purchase was to make it more available to those empathic vampires who were curious about the Temple. To do this for money, to lie to people... such ugliness.

Title: Re: A Vampire Declaration
Post by: Sfinelli3 on November 18, 2009, 09:06:41 AM
I have met someone who owns The Vampire Bible recently, even though I havent read it I have gotten alot of information from him.  The fees they present are like any other church, it keeps the organization going.  Maybe they did use some points from other people, but don't we all?  We all live by something someone else has said before, that is just what they like to express, so if anything they are giving credit to the ones who invented the statements, even if not directly.  And I understand that the only required pieces of merchandise is the Bible, giving you access to the group.  That I heard from them myself.  I still have the E-mail somewhere.  They also are really trying to find people who have awakened and open them up to who they are, kind of a safe house for newly awakened Vampires.  I do not pretend to know everything about them, because that is next to impossible if you are not actually a member, but I do know enough to say that they have been around for a long time, and have been somewhat successful, so they must be doing something right.

Title: Re: A Vampire Declaration
Post by: vitchy on February 27, 2010, 12:54:08 AM
Successful how???  What accomplishments have vamps been noted for other than killing??  People fear what they dont understand.  So until then......

Title: Re: A Vampire Declaration
Post by: vitchy on February 28, 2010, 09:03:58 PM
I really dont need a book or a group of people to tell what I am, what Im suppose to do, what I need to act like, or how my life is suppose to be lived.  Be leaders people!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: What Is A Vampire?
Post by: Dantess on May 12, 2010, 05:25:52 PM
1.) A spiritual creature.
2.) They are open minded.
3.) They are good and bad.
4.) Their on a higher scale.
5.) Most importantly they are creatures of nature that are created by a human body.
This is just my views the way I live, pretty much for those who may not know you have to be human to be a vampire, it's not anything from fiction immortality is impossible.

Title: Re: What Is A Vampire?
Post by: razorblade_recon on May 14, 2010, 04:55:25 AM
My opinion here differes from most and I can only speak of my own experiences and they are this.....A vampire is one who must have a fresh source of prana, ki, life force, sustain ones life, in my case it usually comes in the form of blood, of which in my opinion is also the only form that sustains well.

Title: Re: What Is A Vampire?
Post by: paindancer on May 14, 2010, 09:52:05 AM
1.) A spiritual creature.
2.) They are open minded.
3.) They are good and bad.
4.) Their on a higher scale.
5.) Most importantly they are creatures of nature that are created by a human body.
This is just my views the way I live, pretty much for those who may not know you have to be human to be a vampire, it's not anything from fiction immortality is impossible.

Oh, there may be some semantics going on here, but might have a bone to pick on a topic or two.

1).  Ok.. nothing really to complain about there, but its pretty generic.  I dont know of too many cases where a body is functional without a spirit, across all species of living thing, and some non-living.

2).  Open minded?  Hardly a given to any condition.  No, I wouldnt say is a qualifying trait.  Certainly there can be open minded vampries, but there can also be open minded clergymen, police officers, asthmatics, etc.

3).  Yes.. good and bad.  Again.. applies to everyone.

4).  Higher scale?  Ok.. this I have contention with.  Higher than what, on whos scale.  I have said it many many times.. vampirism is not a subsitute for self esteeme.  If anything, the presence of a damaged or malformed energy system could lend to the theory that in fact vamps are lesser.  Higher starts to imply seperation and eletism, both of which are folly.  I think you would need to explain that one more.

5).  Ok.. your definition is saying (I think) that we are all essentially human.  I agree.  I do not agree that vampirism is limited to beings in physical bodies.  I would also have to agrue that it is a condition caused by the body.. for example, I am a energy feeder.. this  is true irregardless of my being in the physical or astral.  I dont think the body is a cause, but instead a template where the symptoms may reflect.

Title: Re: What Is A Vampire?
Post by: Dantess on May 15, 2010, 12:05:00 AM
When I say higher scale I'm not saying better, but due to our being we would understand a little more, or you would think we ? I'm open to allot of things, I had this in my head so I figured I'd type it here. I am not really in to crowds personally if I had the options I'd live in the middle of the woods and only come to town for food, but as of right now we are low on funds. I do understand where you are coming from though.

Title: Re: What Is A Vampire?
Post by: paindancer on May 15, 2010, 10:58:33 AM
While I think that some of the issues and experiences vamps go through, a certain sensitivity may be garnered through exposure, but there are plenty of sensitives who are not vamps, and conversely, there are many sleeper vamps, who do what they do without conscious thought.. they simply ignore it.

I see what you are going for here, and on a personal level they may certainly apply, but your scope may be  a little narrow trying to apply it to the vamp population at large.

Title: Re: What Is A Vampire?
Post by: Dantess on May 16, 2010, 01:30:27 AM
Yes, that most likely is true but I like everyones out take on topics, everything we all do is poetry, there is always a message, we just need to know how to read.

Title: Re: What Is A Vampire?
Post by: Maenad on May 28, 2010, 11:43:30 AM
4).  Higher scale?  Ok.. this I have contention with.  Higher than what, on whos scale.  I have said it many many times.. vampirism is not a subsitute for self esteeme.  If anything, the presence of a damaged or malformed energy system could lend to the theory that in fact vamps are lesser.  Higher starts to imply seperation and eletism, both of which are folly.  I think you would need to explain that one more.

Lol I made a youtube video about me being a Maenad and got this reply

ur a fucking maenad but u cant turn any one into a minion so how thee fuck r u a maenad

It's like knowing the stigma especially in the US attached to any form of needing something with alcohol in it is something you'd willingly pick.

This was my reply to them.
I'm a Maenad because of my biology, you can't turn someone into your biology. That doesn't make sense. I'm not like the Maenad on True Blood that is fiction, and it's frightening if you don't know the difference.

Also I think that some people just have different biology that makes them need something that other people don't need in order to stay healthy. The title really is just there to add context to it. :) I hope that makes sense.

Title: Re: What Is A Vampire?
Post by: Dantess on May 28, 2010, 08:20:19 PM
I like that response, and It makes perfect sense. :)

Title: Re: What Is A Vampire?
Post by: Maenad on May 29, 2010, 03:23:30 AM
I like that response, and It makes perfect sense. :)

Glade I could help. No one here claims to be a vampire in the tv/movie sense of the word (immortal, needing to kill people, glitter skin XD lol), and if they did I'd really be worried about their mental state.

Title: Re: What Is A Vampire?
Post by: Dantess on May 29, 2010, 11:43:33 PM
Some people sparkle, but their not vampires lol.

Title: Re: A Vampire Declaration
Post by: hexmoon3 on June 03, 2010, 01:11:12 PM
DarkeGarde, I am not just basing all I have said off of myself. Vamps are human to and as being a human we need to follow a human code. What you are doing is attacking people. It is the same as if you were to run up to someone and smack them over the head with a blunt object and leave them groggy and disoriented for the rest of the day. I personally cannot survive of of ambient energy alone, and I do get sick allot by not randomly just taking it off of people, but at least I know that I won't accidentally cause someone with internal problems who needs all of the energy they have just to survive, to go to the hospital because I stole it. Randomly stealing energy can cause a whole world of problems for the people you steal it from. Do you not care what happens to them? The only acception I allow myself to have to the ethical rule is when someone attacks me. If someone attacks me out of self defense I will pull from them but that is all. Furthermore, the way you worded how you stalk people makes you seem very animalistic (not human) and very RPGish. This is not a game. This is life.

Title: Re: Vampire Declarations: Samples & Comments
Post by: SangSavvy on June 11, 2010, 10:13:17 AM
@Hexmoon3: Wait, What? 

Can you quote where DarkeGarde said anything about harming someone as he sees fit? Oo 

I'm so lost with your response here.

Edit:  Ah, I think I am a bit lost regarding the thread split.  This seems to be a sampling of quotes thread.  I apologize if this was in reference to something on another thread that I am not aware of.  I just got a bit thrown off. 

Title: Re: Vampire Declarations: Samples & Comments
Post by: hexmoon3 on June 11, 2010, 11:20:28 AM
SangSavvy, I was referring to sucking energy from random people you know nothing about can harm them. Some people have transplants and health problems as it is and need all of the energy they have. Darkgaurde said he randomly stalks people and takes their energy without asking. I was saying that it is dangerous for the people he is stealing from. Also if you steal from someone under a certain age then it can interfere with how their body develops. 

Title: Re: Vampire Declarations: Samples and Comments
Post by: razorblade_recon on June 19, 2010, 12:56:46 AM
The underage thing is a bit off of the beaten path, when youre leeching from people you are taking an amount that the body can cope with and replenish in a few short hours usually, age has nothing to do with it, someone on their death bed...different story. But other than that feeding off of someones internal energies can not kill them, some people forget that it isint JUST the internal energies that keep the body running and operating, the heartbeat, circulatory system, etc. And "hurting" people, no.....being stabbed or shot hurts alot more than a random person leeching a miniscule amount of my personal life force that will be replaced in an hour. And yes its usually a miniscule amount reguardless of what some may tell you, alot think that what they are taking is a huge amount that does wonders when its actually a small fix and hurts no one.

Title: Re: What Is A Vampire?
Post by: Maenad on July 10, 2010, 07:34:56 AM
Some people sparkle, but their not vampires lol.

Lol yup, got to love on strippers. ^__^ Broadway and musicals on the other hand not so much. XD There are only 3 musicals that are ok, Sweeney Todd, Chicago ((Queen Latifah's song with her outfit is hot. XD) <- yes I am that shallow :P) , and of course the Rocky Horror Picture Show other then that no. -___-

Title: Re: Vampire Declarations: Samples & Comments
Post by: Oblivionburns on January 16, 2011, 11:18:33 PM
I'm wondering when we're going to start waxing all PC.  How can ya take issue with someone saying we're "takers"?  We are.  Call it predatory, call it whatever you want.  The fact is that (as stated above) the amounts of energy stolen are small & easily replenished.  My husband knows it, and so should we all.  Then again, has anyone thought that maybe some of us suckers are out there "eating" sickness in its myriad forms?  I've come across many people who remember me long after the fact & are looking & doing & acting much better than when I first encountered them.  We can heal as well as hurt.  If one feeds on illness then what's wrong with being predatory?  Just my humble thoughts, as always.  I don't work miracles, but people have told me I've helped them just with a simple sit down & relax for a minute while I put my hands where I think you need help approach.  I feel better after, too.