Atlanta Vampire Alliance [AVA]

Vampires & Vampirism => General Vampirism Discussion => Topic started by: daisyrocket on July 25, 2011, 01:15:57 PM

Title: Power-Hungry?
Post by: daisyrocket on July 25, 2011, 01:15:57 PM
Self defining as a predator implies that we are predators right? You should probably figure that out if you don't know. My vote is yes. I'm not sure if this goes for all predators, but I think it will. We want power right? At the very least: Power is seen as a positive thing to have right? It's enjoyable to feel in control, and even more so because we are predators right?

I found myself obsessed with all the meta-topics of what to call this and that and the traits of this and that and all that other good stuff in regards to vampirism. Why? What does it matter what we call things? Does it change anything to change the name? I've been thinking: Maybe my obsession with the meta-issues of what to name things, and creating new names for things, is a part of my hunger for power? Methinks yes. There is a noticeable surge of feel good POWER vibes when I change the spelling of my name and when I start a new facebook from scratch. Am I really doing anything besides playing with myself? Probably not.

I see many parallels around the online vampire community. It's not hurting me, so I have no qualms with the trend. Nonetheless, maybe this will help some fellow vampires out of a similar rut I found myself to be occupying once upon a time.

Title: Re: Power-Hungry?
Post by: ClayCat on July 25, 2011, 05:51:36 PM
As in any group, there are those who are seeking power and those who do not. It is always desirable to have some power and control over your own life.

In regards to terminology in the OVC, sometimes it might be about power. Other times it's about making a term specific to ease communication among groups.

Title: Re: Power-Hungry?
Post by: SoulSplat on August 21, 2011, 09:31:47 AM
Personally, I despise the whole "predator" label when it comes to vampirism. For a further disscusion of the label view

Modern vampires are a diverse group. I too wonder why so many have the need to confine it's definition into a smaller box. It could be about power for some. But I think I might like "power's" presence (in the all-encompassing definition of a "real vampire") even less than "predator".

Title: Re: Power-Hungry?
Post by: Samantha on May 06, 2012, 09:55:20 PM
I think to an extent it's about power.. I know some that fly off the handle at the drop of a hat, and others who are very calm and inward. I cant say for certain, but for the most, out of ones I know, they have temper problems and are easily irritable. Power hungry for the wrong reasons maybe?

Title: Re: Power-Hungry?
Post by: ariesffa1500 on June 22, 2012, 04:31:43 AM
We as a community hold tremendous amounts of personal power. And like all groups SoulSplat is right, there are those who crave this power within our group as a whole and those of us who would be happier without it. I know that I have plenty of inner strength which could be defined as power, however its a strength that I do my best not use. Think of the power we hold like the Force. What does master Yoda do his best to teach Luke?

As for the predator issue, I do believe that we are predators in some form or fashion though most of us still try to cope with that fact.

Happy to be posting again, first post in who knows how long.