Atlanta Vampire Alliance [AVA]

Vampires & Vampirism => General Vampirism Discussion => Topic started by: Zerochan on February 07, 2011, 12:33:48 PM

Title: Poll - Hybrid Vampires & Otherkin
Post by: Zerochan on February 07, 2011, 12:33:48 PM
Following a conversation between ShadowMatt and myself, we developed a hypothesis that a contributing, or causative factor in hybrid vampirism is having an astral based kintype (fae, angels, demons, etc), with a specific interest in faeries. In order to test this, I ask that hybrids, or even sangs and psi's vote on this poll. Responses will be recorded, but no personally identifying information will be collected. As well as saying what you voted, I also ask that you record your type of vampirism (if any) and your kintype (if any).

Title: Re: Hybrid Vampires & Otherkin
Post by: paindancer on February 08, 2011, 08:10:53 AM
Physical kin?  Do you mean terrestrial patterns?  Such as totemics, animals here on this sphere?  Also, why strictly hybrids?   For example even though technically I can feed on many mediums.. I rarely choose to feed sang.. its sloppy energy wise.

But... I think it is very plausible that the further removed from the physical existence the greater the chance for imbalance and disconnect.  (its like trying to run your hair dryer in the UK... the power is different).

Keep going.. your rationale is sound.

Title: Re: Hybrid Vampires & Otherkin
Post by: Zerochan on February 08, 2011, 10:31:59 AM
That's actually exactly what I mean by physical type. And I chose to keep the study to hybrids in attempt to find out why we have a dual need. (Hybrid being defined here as needing both blood and energy)

Title: Re: Hybrid Vampires & Otherkin
Post by: jayant ratna on February 08, 2011, 10:48:11 AM
People living in militarized nations need blood as well as energy to cope with. Elsewhere, the energy types can usually assume astral definitions, with ease. Blood drinkers can also assume similar proportions, in an event, at any said time.

Title: Re: Hybrid Vampires & Otherkin
Post by: childofthespiral on February 08, 2011, 12:22:32 PM
Hmm. I didn't read the thread before I voted, and so voted incorrectly. I should have voted "Yes- Physical Based kintype" instead of astral based kintype.

I'm hybrid vampire, primarily sexual though I feed sang when the opportunity allows. As kin I feel I'm wolf, though I've been told by three different people who never met one another, over online conversations, that I have "simple, but beautiful" wings. I quoted those words because two of those three people used the exact phrase to describe them. I've never felt or seen them, so I cannot confirm it. Although it would explain why I have upper back pain, because I keep a pretty decent posture. 8 years of choir still sticks with me.

Title: Re: Hybrid Vampires & Otherkin
Post by: NyteMuse on February 08, 2011, 03:39:58 PM
And I chose to keep the study to hybrids in attempt to find out why we have a dual need. (Hybrid being defined here as needing both blood and energy)

So...if I'm reading your initial theory correctly, your theory is that hybrids (actual hybrids by your definition, not adaptive feeders) are caused by the person being an "astral" Otherkin, like fey and angelic/celestial? If so, then to my mind that implies that if your theory is correct, all "astral" Otherkin are hybrids, yes?

(Sidenote, you might want to delineate more clearly on here how you are personally defining "hybrid," at least for the purposes of the study. I've seen in some places some people consider adaptive feeders hybrids.)

Title: Re: Hybrid Vampires & Otherkin
Post by: Zerochan on February 10, 2011, 08:20:35 AM
It's not my personal theory (which is genetics based), just something I was curious about investigating, to see if it was also a viable theory. And no, that wouldn't be the end result. If there is a high correlation of hybrids identifying as astral otherkin, it could be inferred that the cause for our energy need may be spiritual in nature. But I know there are also sangs, and psi's who may identify as astral otherkin.

Title: Re: Hybrid Vampires & Otherkin
Post by: ShadowMatt on February 15, 2011, 09:30:02 AM
How do you always manage to turn my lessons and ponderings into yet another question? One wonders >.<

Title: Re: Hybrid Vampires & Otherkin
Post by: Zerochan on February 16, 2011, 08:23:47 AM
Because I'm more inquisitive than a five year old asking where babies come from. That's why. lol