Atlanta Vampire Alliance [AVA]

Vampires & Vampirism => General Vampirism Discussion => Topic started by: Stellar on January 27, 2008, 05:05:14 PM

Title: VampDar aka Beacon
Post by: Stellar on January 27, 2008, 05:05:14 PM
This is a transferred post from AVA forum 1.0.
Originally posted by: Maloryn

Not sure if this fits under the category of general energy signatures, but I figured if not, someone with mod access can split it into its own...

"Vamp-Dar" aka "Vamp Quickening" aka all sorts of other things...

The tendency for some vampires to be able to sense each other. From my experience, this is generally not "all" vampires, but rather only certain vampires exhibiting an ability to sense certain other vampires.

Anyone else have any experiences / theories on this?

I'm particularly interested to know if anyone has had experiences where another vampire sometimes did and sometimes didn't "show up" to the sensing vamp. (barring actively "hiding" themselves).


Title: Re: VampDar
Post by: Stellar on January 27, 2008, 05:07:13 PM
This is a transferred post from AVA forum 1.0.
Originally posted by: Eclecta

For me, it's kinda like sensing auras.. I can sense some but not all. Usually the ones I sense are the really new ones or those who are just really chaotic.

I don't really have any theories, but I do wonder why it seems that there is a higher concentration of vamps in the south than other places. I alays suspected it has something to do with the humidity.. But I will explain that later

Title: Re: VampDar
Post by: Stellar on January 27, 2008, 05:09:06 PM
This is a transferred post from AVA forum 1.0.
Originally posted by: Drist

I have always had this feeling. More than once. Almost all of the time. When in a crowd of other vampires the energy is so immense I used to get headaches but I am over that now. And in one instant I was walking through a mall and felt the sudden urge to just look to my right when I saw a couple staring at me. They just nodded and I returned the gesture as if we knew what we were. But that alone will not justify the meaning of what you speak or explain fully the condition of like vamps knowing when we are in each others presence/company. We kinda just know. For me I feel a calm, that I cannot explain. Like when you see a long lost relative or someone dear to you. Unless that person is shielding thier aura out of defense. Most auras I can sense, and sometimes see. It is like Electa mentioned. If they tend to bring bad vibes I just stay away because the mradu in me wants to come out. And yes it is funny how we have an uncanny volume of our kind in the south as opposed to others up north.

Title: Re: VampDar
Post by: Stellar on January 27, 2008, 05:12:18 PM
This is a transferred post from AVA forum 1.0.
Originally posted by: Zero

I  have met a lot of vamps now, and only a very few have ever been recognizable to me through their energy. I have had the "radar" experience three times with strangers, once was in traffic, so no contact. The other two times were fairly hostile, as I think the others were hunting at the time. The one in Atlanta that one time, he grabbed his little muggle girl-thing and booked, and the other gave me nasty "this is my territory" looks at a silly club in Boston. I gave him a nod that I hoped said, "it's all yours, buddy - have fun with the junior goth scouts while I go somewhere there's grownups." Dude played too much freaking "vampire: the masquerade" or something. Dunno if he expected me to run away or what, but he seemed irked that I didn't vacate "his" club. Well, not immediately anyway. There's only so much of Manray you can take.

But I digress. Yes, the "radar" does not go off for every vamp, and they don't always see me, either. It's probably different at different times, too.

weres have talked a bit about this, too:

Title: Re: VampDar
Post by: Stellar on January 27, 2008, 05:14:21 PM
This is a transferred post from AVA forum 1.0.
Originally posted by: Andarael

I'm not sure how to describe it...I just know. There have been many occasions where myself and another total stranger definitely vamp make eye contact, acknowledge by a nod of the head or even a hello, then move on. It's as if I just know there's another vamp and usually I don't even have to search for them...Like an instant radar lock for lack of a better way of explaining.

There have been times when I have taken notice of other vamps without their recognizing me so I tend to agree that not all vamps can sense others.

Hope this made sense  ...

Title: Re: VampDar
Post by: Stellar on January 27, 2008, 05:16:17 PM

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Originally posted by: Merticus

Short answer - yes, I usually don't have much difficulty discerning vamps in a crowd or in passing. Mainly encounter the look back routine, nod, etc. but the ones who don't are not always aware of what they are and then again it's not only with vamps but also with other psi's.

Title: Re: VampDar
Post by: Stellar on January 27, 2008, 05:18:18 PM
This is a transferred post from AVA forum 1.0.
Originally posted by:cathmael

Yeah, uhm, yeah, they can be spotted, fairly easily too. But it is not like they are
labeled "vampire" when I look at them.

Title: Re: VampDar
Post by: Stellar on January 27, 2008, 05:20:09 PM
This is a transferred post from AVA forum 1.0.
Originally posted by: Eclecta

I agree there Liam. It's not necessarily a label I put on them as much as a feeling from the energy signature. And just because you spot someone who has that same energy, doens't mean that they understand it. Actually I've found that the more unaware they are of the energy they carry with them, the stronger that vampdar is.
PS. I call this vampdar thing a beacon.

Title: Re: VampDar
Post by: Stellar on January 27, 2008, 05:22:01 PM
 This is a transferred post from AVA forum 1.0.
Originally posted by: cathmael

Yeah, until you watch their behavior, then you realize what they are.

Title: Re: VampDar
Post by: Stellar on January 27, 2008, 05:24:31 PM
This is a transferred post from AVA forum 1.0.
Originally posted by: Maloryn

Eclecta wrote" PS. I call this vampdar thing a beacon. "

Ah, I misunderstood then. I thought your beacon reference was to anyone who's energy pattern reacted to yours or caused your energy pattern to react to theirs, rather than "vamp-specific".


Title: Re: VampDar
Post by: Stellar on January 27, 2008, 05:57:43 PM
This is a transferred post from AVA forum 1.0.
Originally posted by:Eclecta

Well, actually, you are right.. The beacon is just that awareness of a similar or even a strong energy.. VampDar might be a bit different and the term might need to be coined, if it hasnt' already, because it is more specific..

For some reason, when I go out anywhere there are other vamps, I kinda amp up the beacon or VampDar, and then they find me really easily, unless I shield constantly, which I refuse to do most of the time. But that's not to say I don't know they are there too, because that would be why I kinda push it up to the level it can't really be ignored.. Take one of our new forum members Kal.. That's how he got here...

Almost everytime, we go out somewhere I find a couple of folks who are on the verge of awakening, or have just awakened and don't know how to "contain" themselves... Those ppl have beacons, but if I'm understanding correctly, you are talking about how we identify them specifically as vamps?

Ok.. now this brings me to another point. I think there are some who are vamps, who have no idea, and if you suggested it to them, would be highly offended, or wouldn't beleive it anyway.. But then again, there are some, who I am soooooo sure they aren't, but they insist they are.. which is why I say, "I can't tell you what you are, only you can answer that question." Haha. Yeah.. well, there are other reason of couse I'd say that, but that's but one of them.

Title: Re: VampDar
Post by: Stellar on January 27, 2008, 06:00:37 PM
This is a transferred post from AVA forum 1.0.
Originally posted by:Figment

Yeah, beacon is something created by the sanguinarium, and thus not really... enjoyed by many people. But I don't think I like the term vampdar either... sorry. I teach grammar, so I gotta weird thing about words. I rant about them ALL the time.

But yeah, when you don't hang out with vamps a lot, it's hard to...

A) get a shield. If you don't hang out with them all the time, you don't know how to train your filtered shields to also filter out vampire energy. They're more likely to be feeling everyone up. So you go trotting off to a yearly gathering, or maybe even your first. And bam. You are one sick puppy. Go lay down and take a nap, and ask a few people to sheild you. Especially if you already are the type of person who gets upset in crowds (me + Ikea = death. You people didn't warn me it was ike THAT "Oh I love Ikea!" fuggers...)

B) get used to the feeling. So you're not sure how it feels like and all you can say is. Uhhh... that's a vampire. There's a vampire who lives in my neighboorhood. He's introduced himself to me. I'll kinda look around funny when I'm at the grocery store like... wtf is that... walk down to the end of the aisle trying to ignore it... and there he is. OH okay. Whatever, just you.

So, Cathmael, if you don't show up on VampDar, you aren't a vampire. "VampDar" is not a seperate reading of energy. Everyone, humans and vampires and psychics, are constant feeling people up, some more violently than others. But when you feel a vampire, they're so rare and the energy difference is so easy to pick up, another vampire's body goes, "OH OH! HE'S LIKE YOU! LOOK OVER THERE!"

I dunno? Maybe breeding instinct? ha!

But you have an energy. If you aren't "showing up" it's cause you're simply not showing the energy signature of a vampire. Even vampires can't really make their energy look like human energy. Either it will feel like a huge sheild or a big empty void in energy continum (like that's not fishy smelling...). Possibly there's a vampire who can do it on first glace, but it's an insanely hard thing to do and keep under control and it'll only show up under first glance. With some feeling up, we'll be able to notice.

Title: Re: VampDar aka Beacon
Post by: Oblivionburns on April 29, 2010, 05:59:43 PM
 ;D  Yeah, I just know one when I see one, even if they don't realize it themselves.  I used to go to a certain restaurant/bar after work every night just to soak up the joie de vive, when I noticed a young man staring at the back of my head (I was glancing up from my book while sitting at the bar which had a huge rose-colored mirror behind, tilted so that one can see the entre room).  I simply thought to him, "Beware!"without looking away from the book. He stiffened & I felt a psychic assult aimed at weakening my astral body.  I turned fully around in my seat & stared at him directly.  He met my gaze but after a few moments, he slumped.  I thought toward him, "If you can hear this, stand up.  You are stepping on my territory.  In fact, you cannot sit in a spot that I've not spilled my essence in.  This place is mine."  He got up immediately, looking at me as if I were the weirdo, & left in a hurry.  I think he just couldn't believe that someone like me (5'2" blue eyes black hair) could possibly have such a crude & territorial thought.  Anyway, we both knew. I don't know how, but we did, & I never saw that guy again in there.

Title: Re: VampDar aka Beacon
Post by: hexmoon3 on April 29, 2010, 08:41:26 PM
For me I realize it but sometimes I do not notice I realize it until I find that I have accidentally kept glancing at certain people for awhile and then I normally turn to someone else with me to confirm my feeling. It is not just with vamps though...It is basically with anyone who has a different energy. Certain therian and otherkin are fairly easy to spot as well. Also natural witches are somewhat easy to find because they tend to give off a very earthy type energy.

Title: Re: VampDar
Post by: Taris on July 25, 2010, 03:30:02 PM
This is a transferred post from AVA forum 1.0.
Originally posted by:Figment

But you have an energy. If you aren't "showing up" it's cause you're simply not showing the energy signature of a vampire. Even vampires can't really make their energy look like human energy. Either it will feel like a huge sheild or a big empty void in energy continum (like that's not fishy smelling...). Possibly there's a vampire who can do it on first glace, but it's an insanely hard thing to do and keep under control and it'll only show up under first glance. With some feeling up, we'll be able to notice.

There are ways to shield your energy. I mean simply said a protective shield of energy covers your own and though that energy is showing the energy beneath, your constant aura, is concealed. The beacon can not only be due to the type of energy but simply the extremity of it. How it outshines those around you. Centering your energy, lessening the radiance of it, could also help to allow you to keep yourself from being noticed.  Just some thoughts.

Title: Re: VampDar aka Beacon
Post by: Hecata on August 27, 2010, 06:41:49 PM
This is a transferred post from AVA forum 1.0.
Originally posted by: Maloryn

Not sure if this fits under the category of general energy signatures, but I figured if not, someone with mod access can split it into its own...

"Vamp-Dar" aka "Vamp Quickening" aka all sorts of other things...

The tendency for some vampires to be able to sense each other. From my experience, this is generally not "all" vampires, but rather only certain vampires exhibiting an ability to sense certain other vampires.

Anyone else have any experiences / theories on this?

I'm particularly interested to know if anyone has had experiences where another vampire sometimes did and sometimes didn't "show up" to the sensing vamp. (barring actively "hiding" themselves).

Hiding? Vamps(creatures) cannot hide themselves from other vampires,no more than a dog can hide itself from another dog! I use the term dog because animals put out smells,or signals that others pick up on,and the same thing goes with being a vampire. Its a state of knowing deep within your brain,it's a state of feeling deep within your soul. Its hard to explain but you just know! Like a feeling you get when something isn't just know by something telling you it isn't right and feeling it isn't right,and that same kind of knowing tells us when we are close to another just like us.

Title: Re: VampDar aka Beacon
Post by: LadyOfPales on August 27, 2010, 11:49:05 PM
I've met a psi who I could not "feel" before
what would you call this?

Title: Re: VampDar aka Beacon
Post by: Oblivionburns on January 11, 2011, 05:42:32 PM
I call those I can't "feel" nulls.  Not in a derogatory sense, it's just that their energy reminds me of lint under a bed.  I've actually said as much to the few I felt safe being honest with, & they weren't surprised in the slightest.  I have no idea what causes that!  Their energy, when I've sampled it, makes me drowsy, like valerian root.